There are reportedly 17 new cards in this edition to highlight recent expressions of that wild flavor, including,says the website, a Rhodes Scholar, a stripper, militia men, bikers, a new Palin-ite, a snowman, some monkeys, and Don Young. What more could you ask for? Plus, the new deck has been redesigned and features art Jokers and special inserts.
Alaska Dispatch,The card deck featuring images of dozens of classic Alaska fiplayingcard imagesgures notable for, well, not going along with the herd was a big hit with ns of Alaskana at its first release in 2008.
The official Third Edition of the popular Alaska Outlaws, Rebels and Cons playing card deck has been released.
Learn more and flip through some samples of the new edition,here.
The decks originator Jason Hahnexplains to KTVAwhy he thinks the cards have been popular enough for three editions now, It kind of captures that wild west flavor of Alaska IAlaska Dispatch think we still have today. We still have that rebellious streak in us, and I think people have responded well to the cards because it captures that kind of flavor of Alaska.